Royal Oaks Estates

The Royal Oaks Estates are divided into two different home types. There are single family homes and patio homes. The blog post is about the patio homes, for the blog about the single family homes please click here.
The Royal Oaks Estates Arroyo Grande California is located just off of James Way. From James Way Turn on Mesquite Lane to enter the Subdivision, the other entrance is located of Rodeo Drive and Grace Lane.
The Royal Oaks Estates is comprised of three streets; Spanish Moss Lane, Mesquite Lane, and Chaparral Lane.
The homes in this development are single level homes and the average size range for 1443 up to 1686 Sq. Ft. The CCR’s was signed in August 1988. The Royal Oaks patio home portion of the subdivision contains approximately 99 homes. They are lots 11 through 109, and also 157.
This residential development doesn’t have a home owners association.
Currently no homes with the Royal Oaks Estates are listed for sale, however that can change so please be sure to check out the property search for current Arroyo Grande homes for sale.
If you are looking to list your Royal Oaks Estates home please go to for a free market evaluation today.

Below are the four most recent sold Royal Oaks Estates homes that have sold in 2014 and 2015.
376 Mesquite Lane Arroyo Grande Ca 93420 3 Bedrooms 2 (1 1 0 0) Baths 1443 Sq. Ft. 1989 Year Built Sold for $523,000 on 03/27/15
411 Spanish Moss Arroyo Grande Ca 93420 3 Bedrooms 2 (1 1 0 0) Baths 1608 Sq. Ft. 1989 Year Built Sold for $515,000 on 01/30/15
373 Mesquite Lane Arroyo Grande Ca 93420 3 Bedrooms 2 (1 1 0 0) Baths 1440 Sq. Ft. 1989 Year Built Sold for $490,000 on 06/20/14
368 Spanish Moss Lane Arroyo Grande Ca 93240 3 Bedrooms 2 (2 0 0 0) Baths 1443 Sq. Ft. 1989 Year Built Sold for $495,000 on 03/11/14
The good news is that the average Days on Market for the homes in Royal Oaks Estates have sold in less than 30 days. You can see from the current comps that every time a home is listed for a higher price they have sold. This shows we are currently in a Seller’s Market.
If you are a Real Estate professional who is looking to refer a client due to relocation, retirement, job transfer, buying up or downsizing for the Arroyo Grande, Ca area please email me at to talk about getting a referral.
#RoyalOaks #RoyalOaksEstates #ArroyoGrandeHomesForSale #ArroyoGrande #ArroyoGrandeRealtor #RealEstateArroyoGrande #Referral #Relocation #Jobtransfer #Retirement

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Arroyo Grande Real Estate subdivisions in the area include Equestrian, Highland, Village Glen, Royal Oaks Patio Homes, Royal Oaks Single Family, Grace Lane, Rancho Grande, Los Robles De Rancho Grande, Las Jollas De Rancho Grande.
Royal Oaks Estates Real Estate in Arroyo Grande California, San Luis Obispo County on the Central Coast Real Estate Market updates.
I look forward to helping you with your Real Estate’s needs.
Author James Outland Jr